helping children with learning difficultieshelping children with learning difficulties

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helping children with learning difficulties

What do you do for a child that is not doing well in school? How do you determine if he or she has a learning disability that will put them behind in school or make learning a struggle for the rest of their educational careers? I have four kids, one of which has a very tough time learning. We have worked with several professionals to determine what was causing the problems that he was having and to find ways to make learning easier for him. If you have a child that is going through a tough time trying to learn, visit my blog.

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Have You Decided to Give Your Child a Faith-Based Education?

Did you try public high school for your child and you just weren't happy with it? Maybe you felt like your teenager wasn't getting enough one-to-one attention from their teacher. Or, it might be that the curriculum wasn't pleasing to you. Maybe your child never went to public school in the first place. If you went to a private high school as a child, maybe you have always known that you would want that for your children, too.

No matter the reason that you have decided not to send your child to a traditional public high school, maybe you are looking for an alternative. If so, from arranging for your child to go to a faith-based high school to help him or her with the admissions portion, here are some ideas that might help you.

Select a Faith-Based High School

If you are a practicing Christian, maybe you would have more peace of mind if your child attended a faith-based high school. At this type of school, the same values that you teach at home will be taught in the classroom, too. It might even be that one of the requirements for attendance at the school will be having a religion class each semester. Studying the Old Testament and the New Testament will more than likely be an inspiration to your child. 

Besides a faith-based curriculum, there will more than likely be excellent extra-curricular opportunities for your child. For example, maybe they will want to be part of the school choir. Does your teenager enjoy sports? If so, they will probably be able to participate in many of them, even besides their physical education class.

The private faith-based high school will more than likely also focus on preparing your child for further education. Expect for him or her to have to study hard. However, if your child is having trouble in any of their subjects, one-on-one help will probably be available before and after school, and maybe even during a study hall period. 

Help Your Child with the Admissions Portion 

 Does the private school you have chosen require certain things from your child before they are accepted?  If so, consider being there to help with that. For example, if they need to pass an entrance class, consider getting a tutor for our child in a subject that has proved difficult in the past. If your teenager needs references, help him by providing addresses and phone numbers for those individuals they have chosen as personal references. You can learn more about the application process by contacting faith-based high school admissions services. 

Your child might be a bit nervous about attending his or her new high school. Remind them that you will be there to help in any way, and tell them not to hesitate to go to the counselor for any problems they might encounter.